2016年9月15日 星期四

酥頂藍莓蛋糕 Blueberry Coffee Cake with Streusel Topping

我在Youtube上Cupcake Jemma的頻道偶然看到這個食譜,Jemma說這個食譜簡單可是成品超讚,她講的一點也不錯!
這種蛋糕的英文是coffee cake直翻就是咖啡蛋糕,我一開始很疑惑因為食譜中沒有任何咖啡啊!後來去查資料才知道coffee cake有兩個意思,一個就是一般咖啡口味的蛋糕;另一個定義是指用來配咖啡的蛋糕,不一定要添加咖啡。通常是一大塊四角型的單層蛋糕分割食用,常常添加肉桂、堅果或水果,有時上面會有酥脆的餅乾皮或糖霜.類似杯子蛋糕只是杯子蛋糕是一人份。

I came across this recipe on Cupcake Jemma’s youtube channel. She said the cake was brilliant and she was so right! It’s super easy to make and the result is wonderful.
My kitchen smelled divine when baking the cake. The cinnamon gave the crunchy topping a warm touch and the blueberry coffee cake below was soft, moist and fruity. It was better than what Jemma described in the video and far beyond my expectation. Like brownie, the cake is best served warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream or freshly whipped cream.
Don’t over mix when combining the berries with the batter to get the marble effect. Just two turns, no more than three. With a spatula cut into the batter then fold it over the blueberries, that’s one turn. It may seem not enough for them to create marble but when you pour the batter out, they’ll form lovely spirals.
I know there’s a lot of people confusing why the coffee cake recipe doesn’t contain any coffee like I did XD.  According to The Cake Kiwi, coffee cake is a class of cakes intended to be served with coffee. Under this definition, a coffee cake does not need to contain coffee. They are typically single layer cakes that may be square or rectangular like a Stollen or loaf-shaped rectangular cakes. Coffee cakes are typically flavored with cinnamon, nuts, and fruits. These cakes sometimes have a crumbly or crumb topping called streusel and/or a light glaze drizzle. Some similarity to teacakes may be found, though teacakes are often smaller individual items served with tea.

2016年9月7日 星期三

起司香料酥棒 Crispy Cheese&Herb Straws


The straws look and taste like french fries but are more delicate and flavorful! You can serve them with ketchup and mustard just like french fries or place them in a tall goblet in a party. If you want to bring this to another level, serve the straws with a bowl of french onion soup or chicken consommé.
The straws need to be served warm or they will soften and lost that crispy character. If that happens, just let it bake in the hot oven for 5 minutes then they’ll crisp up again.
When using the puff pastry, it’s important that the pastry is cold and the oven is at the right temperature, otherwise, it won’t puff or puff unevenly.

2016年9月5日 星期一

健康免冰淇淋機可可冰淇淋(四種材料)Healthy 4 ingredients no-churn chocolate ice-cream

我這個夏天每次回家第一件事就是鑽進冷凍庫給自己挖一大球冰淇淋!我覺得我好像對冰品上癮了,有點擔心~因為我爺爺有很嚴重的糖尿病所以我也是高風險群之一:( 於是我開始找低糖冰品食譜然後多方嘗試,終於被我找到低糖又能無罪惡感滿足我口腹之慾的版本了!!我就跟自己說一定要在夏天結束前貼這個食譜哈哈哈

The first thing I do after getting home this summer is dive into the freezer and give myself a big scoop of ice cream. I think I'm addicted to the cold- sweet-treat and I'm worried about that because my grandpa had diabetes, that means I had a high risk of having it, too. So I started to search for low sugar ice cream recipes and tried them one by one. Finally, I found the one that satisfies my sweet tooth without any guilt! I told myself that I MUST share the recipe before the summer ended!
This recipe is too good to describe. It’s no-churn, low fat, no sugar added, dairy free, egg free, healthy, tasty and easy to scoop. Best of all, it doesn’t require ice cream machine and take no effort to make. Just put four ingredients into a blender or food processor and your ice-cream base is done!
The calories per serving (about two scoops) are only 90kcal, that’s much less than the store bought product which is about 230kcal.