- 烤好的蛋糕分層:1. 所有麵糊包含起司、蛋黃、蛋白要在一樣的溫度,所以用室溫的蛋並且起司融化後稍微放涼在與蛋黃混合 2.烤箱確實預熱,且麵糊完成後馬上烤,如果麵糊放太久就會沈澱
- 表面裂開:1. 烤箱溫度太高造成膨脹太快,輕起司蛋糕要水浴法(在烤模外的烤盤加熱水製造蒸氣)緩慢低溫的烤,如果看到快裂的可以丟一些冰塊在烤盤降溫2. 蛋白打太過,只要軟性發泡就好不用像戚風打到硬
- 冷卻後回縮嚴重產生皺紋:這是溫度急速下降造成的,烤完後不要直接拿出來,放在烤箱內悶10-20分鐘即可避免
- 表面上色太深:在蛋糕上蓋一張錫箔紙
- 其中一個顏色的麵糊下沉:如果兩種麵糊密度差太多就會這樣,可以將把較稠的麵糊多攪拌幾下讓他鬆一點,或是在稀的麵糊調多一些抹茶醬或加麵粉調整
- 條紋不明顯:1.每個牌子的抹茶粉顏色不太一樣,如果你的顏色較淡可以多加一點2. 如果分太多層每層太薄也會不明顯,我發現12-16層的效果最好

What makes this cake outstanding is those adorable strips. The combination of green and white, mocha and cheese are so inviting. It looks complicated, in fact, it's nothing fancy but alternating the batter when pouring the mixture. The recipe is very tasty and simple, I made it thrice all came out to be a huge success! Everyone seeing the cake would say "Wow~" and think you must put many efforts into it XD
If the cake is served warm from the oven, the texture would be more like a chiffon cake, fluffy and has a mild cheese flavor. I prefer to enjoy it cold cause after staying in the fridge overnight, the cake becomes moist and denser while the depth of the cream cheese really come through.
Here I listed a few common problems and some tips and tricks to avoid them, follow the instructions and I promise you can bake perfect cotton cheesecake every single time!
Common Problems when making Cotton Cheesecake:
- The finish product separated into two layers: 1. All of the batters should be at the same temperature, including the cheese, egg yolk, and egg white, so use room temperature eggs and cool your melted cheese mixture slightly before incorporating with egg yolks . 2. Once the batter is done, it should be put into the preheated oven as soon as possible.
- It cracks: 1. The batter should be baked slowly so we use water bath method. If the oven is too hot then lower the temperature or you can throw some ice cubes into the water bath. 2. If you over beat the egg white, the cake will rise too much. Beat the egg white to soft peaks.
- Wrinkles appears as the cake cool down: This often result from the dramatical change of temperature. Leave the cake in the oven to cool for 10-20 min.
- Browning too much: Simply put a piece of tin foil to cover the top.
- One of the batter keeps sinking to the bottom: Both of the batters should have the same density. To adjust, stir and fold the thicker batter a couple of time to loosen it up, or add more mocha paste or flour in the looser batter to thicken.
- The strips aren't obvious: 1. Each brand of matcha powder is different, if yours turn out to be paler, make more mocha paste to mix in the batter. 2. Too many layers may cause the streak become too thin, thus less obvious. I find out that between 12-16 layers are the best.
抹茶斑馬輕起司蛋糕Matcha Zebra Cotton Cheesecake
食譜改寫自Recipe adapted from:epipastry份量:六寸兩個或八寸一個 Two 6"or one 8" round tin
起司糊: 奶油乳酪(室溫軟化)170g
1tbsp Matcha Powder
1tbsp Water
170g Cream Cheese
20-40g Castor Sugar
40gr Oil
20-40g Castor Sugar
40gr Oil
75g plain yogurt#
4 Egg Yolks
40g Cake flour
4 Egg Whites
1/2tsp Lemon Juice (or 1/8tsp Cream of Tar
60g Castor Sugar
Preheat your oven to 320℉/160℃. Lay the bottom of a 7” Spring form pan with some parchment paper. Wrap the outside of the pan with a couple layers of aluminum foil and set aside.
In a small bowl, mix the matcha powder with boiling water to form a paste, set aside.
2. 奶油乳酪、糖、油微波加熱融化,一次一分鐘取出攪拌,只要全部均勻融化即可(也可以用小火煮攪拌融化,小心燒焦),加入優格拌勻
In a medium bowl add the cream cheese, sugar and oil and microwave and stir from time to time until the cream cheese melt completely, or you can do it on stove over very low heat until the mixture is smooth and creamy making sure to whisk the whole time. Take off the heat then pour in the yogurt and whisk to combine.
3. 蛋黃與起司湖拌勻,篩入麵粉拌勻備用
Add in the egg yolks to the cheese mixture to combine, and shift in the flour. Mix until just combined, set aside.
4. 將打蛋起洗淨擦乾,打發蛋白、鹽、檸檬汁打發至軟性發泡❦(提起打蛋器,蛋白尾端下垂成勾勾),過程中分次加入砂糖
In a separate clean bowl, using electric mixer (the whisk must be clean and dry), whisk the egg whites, salt and lemon juice until frothy, then while whisking, slowly add the other part of sugar and whisk until soft peaks form (once again, this takes some time and don't over mix).

5. 將三分之一的蛋白與起司蛋黃糊大略拌勻,再將剩下蛋白全部拌勻。將兩大匙蛋糕糊與抹茶醬拌勻,再倒入一半的麵糊拌勻就有雙色麵糊,此時可以測試密度,兩種麵糊的稠度應該要差不多不然等下倒時會有一種顏色一直下沉
Fold 1/3 of the egg white into the cheese mixture, then fold in the remaining egg whites as gently as possible. Stir 2 table of the mixture with the matcha paste then combine it with half of the cake batter to obtain two flavor cheese cake batter. Test the density, both of the batter should be in same condition otherwise one well sink to the bottom.
Pour about half cup of the batter into the center of the tin then switch color and repeat the process until all the batter is used. It will turn into concentric circles.

7. 160℃隔水蒸烤(將蛋糕模放在烤盤,烤盤注入熱水),6"烤約45-50分鐘8"1小時,如果發現蛋糕快要裂開可以丟冰塊在烤盤降溫,表面不想上色太深可以蓋錫箔紙,牙籤插入沒有沾黏就是烤好了,烤完不要馬上出爐,在裡面悶10-20分鐘表面才不會因快速冷卻而有皺紋
Put the cake tin in a roasting pan and pour some hot water around the sides of the cake tin about an inch high. Bake for 45-60min(base on the size of you tin) until the toothpick come out clean. If the cake is about to crack, throw a few cube of ice to lower the temperature. Leave the baked cake un the oven to cool for at least 10min to prevent wrinkle.
8. 出爐可以趁熱吃或是冷藏吃,蛋糕冷藏三天內吃完或是包保鮮膜冷凍,食用前一晚退冰即可
The cake can be served warm or cold. The cake should be ate within three days or you can wrap it in plastic wrap and freeze it.
I divided the batter roughly by eye. If any batter remain, I put it in a small cup to bake.