這個泡芙可以換不同內餡,我之前po的卡士達醬 內有一些基礎口味可以參考~其實連頂部酥皮的部份都可以換口味歐
You may know I'm a big fan of Earl Grey tea! I've shared the recipe of earl grey custard pudding, know I'm excited to share another elegant dessert--Earl Grey Cream Puff! Actually, the puff is one of the products in an activity that students made and sold crafts in order to make some green for our department. The puffs turned out to be a huge success!Though I stayed up till midnight making hundreds of puffs every night during the activity. The sight of customers enjoying the handmade goody really motivates me to share more of the ultimate sweet treats.
As always, you can substitute the filling into any flavor you're fancy with and I had share some options in the previous custard . You can even switch the flavor of the cookies!

食譜改寫自Recipe adapted from:Masa 料理ABC & etherealeats.com
Makes 15 cream puffs (2.5-3 inch or 5-6cm)
材料Ingredient :
原味酥皮original cookie-hat
A. 低筋麵粉 25g
B. 奶油 20g(軟化)
C. 細砂糖 20g
all-purpose flour 25g=2.5Tbs
softened butter 20g=1.7Tbs=1/4stick
caster sugar 20g=2Tbs
泡芙choux pastry
D.低筋麵粉 45g
E. 高筋麵粉 45g
(D&E可換成中筋麵粉 90g) 麵粉先篩過
F. 無鹽奶油 60g
G. 水 150g
H. 鹽 3g(1/2小匙)
I. 全蛋 約3~4顆
all-purpose flour 90g=3/4cup (sifted)
unsalted butter 60g=4.25Tbs=1/2stick
water 150g=5/8cup
salt 3g=1/2tsp
whole eggs about 3~4
伯爵茶內餡Earl Grey Cream
J. 牛奶 220g
K. 糖 30g
L. 鹽 1搓
M. 伯爵茶包 2包
N. 蛋黃 1顆
K. 糖 30g
L. 鹽 1搓
M. 伯爵茶包 2包
N. 蛋黃 1顆
O. 玉米粉/低筋麵粉 15g=2大匙
P. 無鹽奶油 15g= 1大匙
Q.鮮奶油 150g
Q.鮮奶油 150g
milk 220g=1 cup
granulated sugar 30g=2.5Tbs
a pinch of salt
earl gray tea bags 2
egg yolk 1
cornflour or all-purpose flour 15g=2Tbs
unsalted butter 15g=1 Tbs
heavy cream 150g=2/3cup