2017年9月8日 星期五
芝麻白巧慕斯White Sesame Chocolate Mousse
海綿蛋糕是用 HOWTOCOOKTHAT's Perfect Sponge Cake Recipe的食譜,原本的食譜真的超棒!!蛋糕蓬鬆濕潤,做法超簡單(不用洗打蛋器), 唯一的缺點是材料多而繁瑣,所以我把一些添加物刪除了像是吉利丁泡打粉,成品差別不大,還是很讚~
Since there was plenty of white sesame seeds left after making my Black & White Sesame Cake, I want to create a special dessert featuring white sesame seeds. I was inspired by a famous Hokkaido candy, black and white sesame seeds covered with semi-sweet white chocolate, it tastes like sesame milk!
The sponge cake recipe was adapted from HOWTOCOOKTHAT's Perfect Sponge Cake Recipe. The original recipe was GREAT: the method was simple (use only one whisk), the cake was moist and fluffy but sturdy enough to serve as mousse base. But there were too many ingredients. I leave out some additives such as baking powder and gelatin and the cake turned out perfect for me.
I cut the sweetness of the white chocolate mousse to the lowest in order to contrast the aroma of baked sesame seeds. Feel free to add more sugar.
For the decoration, I use my Sesame Caramel Tuiles. They were a perfect combination! But I recommend you put the tuile on at the last moment or the cookies will become soggy.
低筋麵粉90g 過篩
白芝麻50g 熟且磨碎❦
The sponge cake:
90g cake flour, sifted
3 medium egg yolks
60g water
30g vegetable oil
3 medium egg whites
1/4tsp salt
1tsp lemon juice or white wine vinegar
60g castor sugar
The white sesame chocolate mousse:
180g white chocolate, chopped
9g gelatin sheet
180ml milk, room temp.
50g white sesame seed, toasted and grounded❦
❦To ground the sesame, put the toasted sesame in a blender or food processor then process. When processing, pause every 2 seconds until the sesame seed turns into a coarse meal. Don’t process continuously or the sesame oil will come out and create lumps.
Line a 25x20cm baking trey with parchment paper. Wrap the bottom of a 15x15cm square mousse mold tightly with tin foil. Preheat the oven to 160℃/320.
做蛋糕 For the sponge cake:
1. 在一個乾淨的碗打發蛋白、鹽、檸檬汁,過程中分次加入糖,打發至軟性發泡。
In a clean bowl, using the electric mixer, whisk the egg whites, salt, and lemon juice until frothy, then while whisking, slowly adds the other part of sugar and whisk until soft peaks form.
Using the same whisk (doesn’t need to be washed) beat the flour, egg yolks, oil, and water together until just combined, about 30 seconds.
3. 將三分之一的蛋白拌入蛋黃糊中,再經剩下蛋白輕輕以刮刀拌勻
Fold 1/3 of the egg white into the egg yolks mixture with a spatula, then fold in the remaining egg whites gently.
Pour the batter into the prepared baking tray and even it with the spatula. Bake for 15-20 minutes until a skewer comes out clean.
Remove the cake from the tray and put on the rack to cool completely.
做慕斯 For the mousse:
Soak the gelatin sheet in cold water.
7.將白巧克力用微波爐或隔水加熱融化,拌入輕輕擠乾的吉利丁片,拌勻直到吉利丁片融化Melt the white chocolate in the microwave or Double boiler/bain marie. Stir in the soaked gelatin sheet (squeeze out the excess water gently), the warm chocolate should melt the gelatin.
Stir in the room temp. milk little by little. Set the mixture aside.
In a separated bowl whisk the heavy cream to soft peaks. Combine the whipped cream with chocolate mixture in two batches. Mix in the grounded white sesame seeds. Set aside.
組合 Assemble:
10. 將冷卻的蛋糕切成跟模型一樣大,再切一片比模型小一點點的
Cut the cake to the size the fit the mousse mold then cut another piece that is smaller than the mold.
Place the bigger cake into the mold and pour 1/3 of the mousse on it then place the smaller cake on top. Cover and refrigerate until the mousse firm up, about 45 minutes.
Fill the mode with the rest of the mousse. Cover (The plastic wrap shouldn’t touch the surface of the mousse. ) and refrigerated at least 2 hours.
To unmold, warm up the mold with hot towel or hair drier just until it loosens up. Decorate as your heart desire.
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