這個泡芙可以換不同內餡,我之前po的卡士達醬 內有一些基礎口味可以參考~其實連頂部酥皮的部份都可以換口味歐
You may know I'm a big fan of Earl Grey tea! I've shared the recipe of earl grey custard pudding, know I'm excited to share another elegant dessert--Earl Grey Cream Puff! Actually, the puff is one of the products in an activity that students made and sold crafts in order to make some green for our department. The puffs turned out to be a huge success!Though I stayed up till midnight making hundreds of puffs every night during the activity. The sight of customers enjoying the handmade goody really motivates me to share more of the ultimate sweet treats.
As always, you can substitute the filling into any flavor you're fancy with and I had share some options in the previous custard . You can even switch the flavor of the cookies!
食譜改寫自Recipe adapted from:Masa 料理ABC & etherealeats.com
Makes 15 cream puffs (2.5-3 inch or 5-6cm)
材料Ingredient :
原味酥皮original cookie-hat
A. 低筋麵粉 25g
B. 奶油 20g(軟化)
C. 細砂糖 20g
all-purpose flour 25g=2.5Tbs
softened butter 20g=1.7Tbs=1/4stick
caster sugar 20g=2Tbs
泡芙choux pastry
D.低筋麵粉 45g
E. 高筋麵粉 45g
(D&E可換成中筋麵粉 90g) 麵粉先篩過
F. 無鹽奶油 60g
G. 水 150g
H. 鹽 3g(1/2小匙)
I. 全蛋 約3~4顆
all-purpose flour 90g=3/4cup (sifted)
unsalted butter 60g=4.25Tbs=1/2stick
water 150g=5/8cup
salt 3g=1/2tsp
whole eggs about 3~4
伯爵茶內餡Earl Grey Cream
J. 牛奶 220g
K. 糖 30g
L. 鹽 1搓
M. 伯爵茶包 2包
N. 蛋黃 1顆
K. 糖 30g
L. 鹽 1搓
M. 伯爵茶包 2包
N. 蛋黃 1顆
O. 玉米粉/低筋麵粉 15g=2大匙
P. 無鹽奶油 15g= 1大匙
Q.鮮奶油 150g
Q.鮮奶油 150g
milk 220g=1 cup
granulated sugar 30g=2.5Tbs
a pinch of salt
earl gray tea bags 2
egg yolk 1
cornflour or all-purpose flour 15g=2Tbs
unsalted butter 15g=1 Tbs
heavy cream 150g=2/3cup
Beat the butter and sugar until smooth then add in the flour. Mix the ingredients until it forms a dough.
To make the shaping process easier, transfer the cookie-dough onto a clean plastic wrap and wrap it up. Shape the dough into a cylinder (3cm in diameter). Put it in the freezer until it is ready to use.
In a saucepan bring the water, salt and butter to a boil.
2. 離火,然後一次倒入全部過篩的麵粉用木匙拌勻成糰
Remove from heat and add the sifted flour all at once and incorporate by mixing energetically with a wooden spoon until it is combined.
3. 以小火重新加熱麵團,要一邊攪拌,大約一兩分鐘。麵團會不黏鍋並且鍋底形成薄膜時離火(如圖)
Return the saucepan over low heat and cook while stirring for a minute or two to pull out the moisture from the batter until it pulls away from the sides of the pan. You will see some of the dough sticking to the bottom of the pan.
Return the saucepan over low heat and cook while stirring for a minute or two to pull out the moisture from the batter until it pulls away from the sides of the pan. You will see some of the dough sticking to the bottom of the pan.
4. 將麵糰到到大碗中冷卻一下。加入雞蛋,一次一個,要拌勻再加下一個,直到當舀起麵糊時呈現倒三角形緩慢低落就停止加蛋液。
Transfer batter to a large bowl and allow to cool slightly. Add the eggs one at a time, carefully incorporating each into the batter using the wooden spoon or even a stand mixer. When it become a smooth, homogeneous batter which can formed into an inverted triangle when scooping, stop adding the egg.
5. 將麵糊倒入擠花袋,用1cm圓嘴或星型嘴擠出約3~4cm的圓在烤盤紙上,每個泡芙要間隔3cm以上不然膨脹後會黏在一起
Fit a pastry bag with a large ½ inch (1cm) round or star tip and pipe the dough into 1- 1 1/2 inch (3-4 cm) circles onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. The space between each puff should be more than 3cm or they will stick to each other when baking.
Slice the frozen cookie-dough to about 0.5cm or 1/5 inch thick. Put the cookie dough on top of each puff. You can bake the choux pastry without cookies as a normal puff, just spread some water on the dough before baking. The water will prevent the surface from drying out before it starts to puff up.
Bake in the oven at 180℃/355℉ for 35minutes until brown and puffy. Turn off the heat for 5 minutes before taking them out of the oven. (NEVER open the oven door before it's done. The cooler air would make the puff collapse.)
8. 在每個烤好的泡芙底部戳個小洞讓這氣散出,放在烤架上待涼
Heat milk, sugar, and salt in a medium heavy-bottomed saucepan over medium heat until simmering, stirring occasionally to dissolve sugar.
2. 將茶包加入牛奶靜置15分鐘使茶香滲透入牛奶,時間到後夾出茶包(也可以將茶葉加入)
Take off the heat and steep the earl grey tea bags for 15 minutes, then remove the bags. If you like, you can add the tea leaf contents of one tea bag so you can tell that it’s an earl grey pastry cream.
Take off the heat and steep the earl grey tea bags for 15 minutes, then remove the bags. If you like, you can add the tea leaf contents of one tea bag so you can tell that it’s an earl grey pastry cream.
3. 在另一個碗中將蛋黃、玉米粉拌勻
Whisk yolks and cornstarch in a separate bowl until thoroughly combined.
Whisk yolks and cornstarch in a separate bowl until thoroughly combined.
4. 將3. 倒入奶茶鍋中,小火加熱持續攪拌,蛋奶將會越來越濃稠,煮到開始冒泡泡,再繼續加熱30秒離火(全程都要攪拌,不然容易燒焦)
Pure the egg mixture into the milk tea and return to the stove, heat over medium heat. Keep stirring while the mixture begins to thicken. Let it bubble for 30 seconds.
Pure the egg mixture into the milk tea and return to the stove, heat over medium heat. Keep stirring while the mixture begins to thicken. Let it bubble for 30 seconds.
5. 冷卻一下再加入奶油拌勻
Off heat, whisk in butter.
6. 在表面貼一張保鮮膜以免乾掉,冷藏至少2小時至完全冷卻Off heat, whisk in butter.
Press plastic wrap directly on the surface of pastry cream to prevent skimming and refrigerate until cold.
Whip the cream to soft peaks by a hand or electric mixer. Remove the custard from the refrigerator and whisk until smooth; gently fold in the whipped cream.
Transfer the pastry cream into a piping bag fitted with 1/4 inch (6 mm) plain. Pipe the filling into the cooled puff and serve immediately. Enjoy~