I LOVE all kinds of desserts that have creamy fillings!
Here are four different flavors of custard I use in many recipes like fruit tart, the topping of cup cake, the filling of puff and cake roll.....It always add a delightful sweetness to the dessert.
The picture above is vanilla flavor. I'll upload other flavors' picture next time~
I recommend you to strain the custard through a fine-mesh sieve after the mixture is cooked( in step 4.). This will remove any curdled bits that might have formed during the cooking process and give you a smooth, glossy pastry cream.
The recipe made about 1 cup of the custard but most recipe calls for 2-3 cups so just double or triple the size.
份量: 300g =1cup
A. 蛋黃 1顆B. 糖 30g
C. 玉米粉/低筋麵粉 15g=2大匙
D. 牛奶 200g
E. 萊姆酒 2t
egg yolk 1
granulated sugar 30g=2.5Tbs
cornstarch or all-purpose flour 15g=2Tbs
milk 200g
Rum(optional) 2t
1. A加B拌勻
In a bowl, whisk the yolk, sugar together.
2. 將C加入1.拌勻備用
Add the cornstarch or flour into the egg mixture.
3. D倒入深鍋中煮至微冒煙,以細流慢慢拌入2.中(一次加入蛋會燙熟)
Put the milk into a pan and bring to just below boiling point. Gradually pour the hot milk mixture onto the egg and flour mixture, whisking constantly. Careful don't cook the egg.
4. 將整個蛋奶混合物倒回深鍋中,小火持續攪拌,蛋奶將會越來越濃稠,煮到開始冒泡泡,再繼續加熱30秒離火(全程都要攪拌,不然容易燒焦)
Return the mixture to the pan and place over a low heat, keep stirring while the mixture begins to thicken. Let it bubble for 30 seconds.
5. 冷卻一下再加入E拌勻
Let it cool a bit then stir in the Rum.
6. 在表面貼一張保鮮膜以免乾掉,冷藏保存
Cover the custard with plastic wrap. Make sure it touches the surface of the custard to prevent the surface from drying out. Refrigerate to set.
Whisk the custard before using. Add some milk or cream if it is too thick.
A. 蛋黃 1顆B. 糖 30g
C. 玉米粉/低筋麵粉 15g=2大匙
D. 牛奶 200g
E. 香草豆莢 1/4根
egg yolk 1
granulated sugar 30g=2.5Tbs
milk 200g
cornstarch or all-purpose flour 15g=2Tbs
vanilla pod 1/4
Scrape out the vanilla beans into the milk in step3.
A. 蛋黃 1顆
B. 糖 30g
C. 玉米粉/低筋麵粉 15g=2大匙
D. 牛奶 200g
H. 無糖可可粉 1.5T
egg yolk 1
granulated sugar 30g=2.5Tbs
cornstarch or all-purpose flour 15g=2Tbs
milk 200g
coco powder 1.5T
H跟C、D一起拌勻,也是在步驟 2.加入
Add the coco powder into the egg mixture with cornstarch or flour in step2.
A. 蛋黃 1顆B. 糖 30g
C. 玉米粉/低筋麵粉 15g=2大匙
E. 牛奶 150g
H. 無糖優格 100g
egg yolk 1
granulated sugar 30g=2.5Tbs
cornflour 10g=1.5Tbs
milk 150g
yogurt(no sugar added) 100g
Boil the yogurt with milk in step3.
伯爵茶Earl Grey
A. 牛奶 220g
B. 糖 30g
C. 鹽 1搓
D. 伯爵茶包 2包
E. 蛋黃 1顆
F. 玉米粉/低筋麵粉 15g=2大匙
G. 無鹽奶油 15g= 1大匙
2. 將D加入牛奶靜置15分鐘使茶香滲透入牛奶,時間到後夾出茶包(也可以將茶葉加入)
3. E、F拌勻
4. 將3. 倒入奶茶鍋中,小火加熱持續攪拌,蛋奶將會越來越濃稠,煮到開始冒泡泡,再繼續加熱30秒離火(全程都要攪拌,不然容易燒焦)
5. 冷卻一下再加入G拌勻
6. 在表面貼一張保鮮膜以免乾掉,冷藏保存
milk 220g=1 cup
granulated sugar 30g=2.5Tbs
a pinch of salt
earl gray tea bags 2
egg yolk 1
cornstarch or all-purpose flour 15g=2Tbs
unsalted butter 15g=1 Tbs
2. Take off the heat and steep the earl grey tea bags for 15 minutes, then remove the bags. If you like, you can add the tea leaf contents of one tea bag so you can tell that it’s an earl grey pastry cream.
3. Whisk yolks and cornstarch or flour in a medium bowl until thoroughly combined.
4. Pure the egg mixture into the milk tea and return to the stove, heat over medium heat. Keep stirring while the mixture begins to thicken. Let it bubble for 30 seconds.
5. Off heat, whisk in butter.
6. Press plastic wrap directly on the surface of pastry cream to prevent skimming and refrigerate until cold and ready to use.
蛋白小精靈Marine fairies
香蕉餐包Banana buns