Summer is the best season to have Granola for breakfast. It also perfect for the time when my body needs something healthy and tasty. Granola sold in organic stores is often expensive, so why not mix some of your favorite flavors and create your own? With the warm aroma of baking cereal, I can't help but grab a bite before it cooled ==
I like my granola had some lumps so I added an egg, and chocolate chip for more texture.
A. 綜合麥片 comprehensive oats 250g
B. 鹽 salt 1/4t
C. 綜合果乾 dry fruit mix 60g
D. 杏仁片(生) raw almond slices 60g
E. 亞麻籽粉 flaxseed powder 45g
F. 蜂蜜 honey 20g
G. 植物油 vegetable oil 1大匙
H. 蛋 egg 1顆
Cut the dry fruit into small pieces( about the size of dried blueberries )
1. 將A、B、C、D、E拌勻
Mix oats, dry fruit, almond slices and flaxseed powder together.
Mix oats, dry fruit, almond slices and flaxseed powder together.
2. F加到G中攪散
Stir oil into honey to loosen it up.
Stir oil into honey to loosen it up.
3. 將2.與H一起加到1.中拌勻,變成像培養土般微濕的狀態
Add the honey mixture and egg into the dry ingredients and mix well.The mixture should be slightly wet.
Add the honey mixture and egg into the dry ingredients and mix well.The mixture should be slightly wet.
4. 薄薄的鋪在烤盤上,用點力壓實
Spread the mixture thinly onto a baking sheet and transfer it to the baking tray.
5. 165℃烤12~15分鐘,直到杏仁片呈現金黃色
Spread the mixture thinly onto a baking sheet and transfer it to the baking tray.
5. 165℃烤12~15分鐘,直到杏仁片呈現金黃色
Bake in the oven at 165℃/330℉ for about 12-15min until golden brown.
6. 在烤箱中悶到冷卻,出爐(拌入I)
Keep the granola in the oven until it has cooled completely. Mix in chocolate chips if you prefer.
Keep the granola in the oven until it has cooled completely. Mix in chocolate chips if you prefer.